Missile Ammo
Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:46 am
by Thys
I believe that most if not all of the missile launchers have been set up to take defender missiles, (defender missile Charge group) I have attached some pics of the error message i get when i try to load Torpedos into a seige launcher and the launchers corrisponding description which shows what i believe to be the issue.
I think that the defender missile group needs to be removed for the launchers normal missile type to be able to be loaded.
its possible that this is just my client somehow as im almost sure others would have noticed it. ?
Re: Missile Ammo
Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:35 am
by Allan
yes, a few have mentioned this problem, but no one has linked it to defenders.
im not sure how to set that, as i dont think it's server-side.
i havent had time, however, i will look. (and it's already on the list)
on this same subject, siege missiles, defenders, some torps, and *something else* werent loading, either.
this is probably part of the same problem.
thanks for the report
and welcome back.
Re: Missile Ammo
Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:33 am
by Thys
ok so i have had a bit of a play on my server, and have had a little sucess...
so i found that siege launchers have the wrong charge group set (or are missing one) under entity attributes in the database.
i was able to load torps after a entered the following command (yeah i edited my DB directly but obviously could not do that on yours, so tested the command on my one first)
i found .setattr (entityID) 604 89 or .setattr (entityID) 604 89 (NULL) but im not sure if the NULL is needed, both seemed to work on your server.
though i then had a target lock bug on some rats so was not actually able to fire the torps but hey its progress...
Re: Missile Ammo
Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:53 pm
by Allan
oh, awesome. great find....and that helps cause i dont really have time to track it, and wont for a while.
however, what you found is missing info in the db.
current db info (from ccp dump)
- Code:
typeID typeName attributeID attributeName valueInt valueFloat
2420 Siege Missile Launcher II 604 chargeGroup1 657 NULL
503 Siege Missile Launcher I 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
2420 Siege Missile Launcher II 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
8001 ZW-4100 Siege Missile Bay 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
8113 'Malkuth' Siege Missile Launcher I 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
8115 Shock 'Limos' Siege Missile Bay I 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
8117 'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
13923 Domination Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
13924 Dread Guristas Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
14524 Mizuro's Modified Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
14525 Hakim's Modified Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
14526 Gotan's Modified Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
14527 Tobias' Modified Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
14680 Kaikka's Modified Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
14681 Thon's Modified Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
14682 Vepas' Modified Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
14683 Estamel's Modified Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
16067 Caldari Navy Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
17490 Republic Fleet Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
20603 'Barrage' Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
22569 True Sansha Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
28513 Khanid Navy Siege Missile Launcher 606 chargeGroup3 89 NULL
503 Siege Missile Launcher I 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
2420 Siege Missile Launcher II 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
8001 ZW-4100 Siege Missile Bay 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
8113 'Malkuth' Siege Missile Launcher I 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
8115 Shock 'Limos' Siege Missile Bay I 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
8117 'Arbalest' Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
13923 Domination Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
13924 Dread Guristas Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
14524 Mizuro's Modified Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
14525 Hakim's Modified Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
14526 Gotan's Modified Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
14527 Tobias' Modified Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
14680 Kaikka's Modified Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
14681 Thon's Modified Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
14682 Vepas' Modified Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
14683 Estamel's Modified Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
16067 Caldari Navy Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
17490 Republic Fleet Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
20603 'Barrage' Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
22569 True Sansha Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
28513 Khanid Navy Siege Missile Launcher 609 chargeGroup4 88 NULL
almost ALL of them are missing charge groups 1 and 2 (primary and secondary charge types).
the ones that are in there are
- Code:
groupID groupName
88 Defender Missile
89 Torpedo
657 Advanced Torpedo
so, by adding the 604 attr to your launcher, it added torps as primary charge group.
now, since you found this, ALL of the launchers need to be checked....and fixed.
ANNNNDDDDD. i BET donuts to dollars this is the same problem we've been having with other 'charg-able' modules (mainly turrents)
my god, i miss deslona....we need another db guy. (i know you're busy as i am davinci....)
so, uh, thys......know anything about sql?
wanna fix it?
to give a start, here's the query i used to get the typeID shit above....(hint, hint)
- Code:
FROM dgmTypeAttributes AS da
LEFT JOIN dgmAttributeTypes AS dat USING (attributeID)
LEFT JOIN invTypes AS it USING (typeID)
WHERE it.groupID = 508 AND da.attributeID IN (604,605,606,609,610)
Re: Missile Ammo
Tue Aug 18, 2015 6:53 am
by DaVinci
W00t, great find Thys.
dgmTypeAttributes giving troubles lately. Well, nevermind that - we'll get it fixed eventually.
Considering the amounts of shit, i think we'll need to automate it a bit - lots of entries to process. I think i've got an idea for a proper script to fix that shit.
Gonna take a look on that.
Confirmed - that's the issue that prevents cap sized weapons from being loaded.
Primary charge is listed in dgmTypeAttributes, but instead of being in valueint table (where everything is), they have it in valuefloat.
Same shit i had when i were working on automating the loot creation for projectiles.
Well, at least it's not as bad as it looked. Looks like torp launchers group is the only one that having troubles THAT bad. Rest looks good.
So i think there's no need to make it automated - too much work for too little output.
BTW, allan, secondary and tretiary ammunition types are set up right, but we can't use, say, T2 ammo - gives a pop-up that a wrong ammo type is used.
My guess - server doesn't check for chargeGroup2 and chargeGroup3 and only checks chargeGroup1. Didn't seen the code yet, but behavior says that there's something like this.
Re: Missile Ammo
Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:07 pm
by Thys
LOL you guys are so much faster than me,
umm happy to try and help,
yah DV I have just started going through checking the launchers ... but looks like you go it covered ...
Re: Missile Ammo
Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:40 am
by Allan
yeah, dv, i seem to remember seeing something about charge groups in the module manager. i'll put that on the list.
yeah, thys...it's the seemingly little things like that we dont think about that are the answers we've been looking for.
and speed is just from looking at this shit for a long time and remembering what and where....mostly.
Thys wrote:umm happy to try and help,
and it is much appreciated.
Re: Missile Ammo
Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:01 am
by DaVinci
Thys wrote:umm happy to try and help,
Which is awesome. Thank you for heads-up like this.
I tended to go hard on easy shit sometimes - look into the code and lurk around to see what's wrong...when in like 80% of cases root of the issue is lying somewhere on the surface.
Good thing folks can point out that hey, get off that rathole, here's the issue!
Re: Missile Ammo
Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:34 am
by Thys
the forum did not let me post a sql file ..
so, hopefully if you pop the below into yer DB it should fix all the seige launchers.
INSERT INTO `dgmtypeattributes` (`typeID`, `attributeID`, `valueInt`, `valueFloat`) VALUES
('503', '604','89', NULL);
('2420', '605','89', NULL);
('8001','604','89', NULL);
('8113','604','89', NULL);
('8115','604','89', NULL);
('8117','604','89', NULL);
('13923','604','89', NULL);
('13924','604','89', NULL);
('14524','604','89', NULL);
('14525','604','89', NULL);
('14526','604','89', NULL);
('14527','604','89', NULL);
('14680','604','89', NULL);
('14681','604','89', NULL);
('14682','604','89', NULL);
('14683','604','89', NULL);
('16067','604','89', NULL);
('17490','604','89', NULL);
('20603','604','89', NULL);
('22569','604','89', NULL);
('28513','604','89', NULL);
just thought i would add this, just incase .. there are probably 50 ways to do it better hehe but it shouldwork.
Re: Missile Ammo
Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:56 pm
by DaVinci
Naw, that's good. Proper, readable, clear query.
I'll edit it a bit (as long as we're not adding any values to valueFloat column, we don't have to touch it with NULL's anyways - that'll be a default value for the row) and include into a combo-patch - that'll fix the torpedoes, few other launchers and all cap turrets (they can't load any ammo atm).
Thanks a lot, mate!
This fix is now included in complex DB patch. As soon as allan dumps it into server's DB - Torpedo launchers/Citadel Torpedo Launchers/Citadel Cruise Missile Launchers/Meta cap turrets would be able to be loaded with respective munitions.