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Initial Implementation of Scanning System

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:58 am
by Allan
after a breakthru in scanning code a few days ago (meaning i had an idea slap me in the face, and it worked), i have finally gotten
the scan system to respond.
at this time, only scanning using ship sensors can be performed, and even then it only shows the "Analyzing..." data in the Scan Results screen.
i am still working on getting it to do more.

Re: Initial Implementation of Scanning System

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:00 pm
by Allan
**** UPDATE 7 Dec 2015 ****

DScan is now working!! it only shows non-static entities in your bubble, and the "use overview setting" works, also.

Also, the "No Signatures Detected" result works when the scanner doesnt pick up anything.....

Re: Initial Implementation of Scanning System

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:17 am
by Allan
after a bit of work and a lot of failed packet-building, i have finally got the client showing scan results!
feast your eyes on this, the first positive test result. it is hard-coded, so the positions are wrong, but it's working, and im quite pleased with myself!

Second test, with altered positions, and my full test list of anomalies. (all combat sites, currently)