**UPDATE** Orbit Disabled

Due to whacky tracking with ship orbits, i have disabled orbiting completely.
while this will be weird at first, as we are all used to orbiting *something* most of the time, it's rather easy to get used to.
yes, it's different.
so, please be aware the orbiting is disabled for both players and npcs.
detailed post on how this affects combat can be found here -> http://eve.alasiya.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=267
while this will be weird at first, as we are all used to orbiting *something* most of the time, it's rather easy to get used to.
yes, it's different.
so, please be aware the orbiting is disabled for both players and npcs.
detailed post on how this affects combat can be found here -> http://eve.alasiya.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=267