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PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:12 am
by Allan
this is an overview on how fleet boosting is coded on Alasiya EvE and based on official gameplay.

Fleet Boosting requires commanders to have applicable command skills trained in the fleet position held.
boosters are not required to have command skills to boost fleet members, unless the booster is also a commander.
see for info on fleet basics and fleet skills.
NOTE: boost skills are not required to form, command, or fly in a fleet. this is only for boosting members.

boosters provide bonuses to all applicable fleet members on an "all or none" basis.
there are 3 distinct booster roles, Fleet Booster, Wing Booster, and Squad Booster.
these roles are automatically assigned to the fleet/wing/squad commander when the fleet/wing/squad is created.
the commander may change their booster to another member of the fleet at any time.
commanders can be boosters and follow all other restrictions below.
boosters can only server one boost position at a time, i.e. the same char cannot be wing booster and squad booster at the same time.
boosters do not need command skills to boost fleet members unless they are also a commander. applying booster skills to members is based on commander skill
fleet booster can be any member of the fleet.
wing booster must be in a squad of the wing being boosted.
squad booster must be in the squad being boosted.
these bonuses are calculated using highest skill level and applied "top down" according to the following rules.
    Fleet Booster
  1. can be any member of the fleet.
  2. must be in space and in same system as wings being boosted.
  3. will provide boosts to wings.
    Wing Booster
  1. must be a member of the wing being boosted.
  2. must be in space and in same system as squads being boosted.
  3. will provide boosts to squads.
    Squad Booster
  1. must be a member of the squad being boosted.
  2. must be in space and in same system as members being boosted.
  3. will provide boosts to squad members.

a "Fleet Layout and Booster" debug window can be viewed using the ingame command `.fleetboost`


red text means boosting is not possible.
yellow text means boosting is possible but not available. This will also show (not in system) or (docked) or (low skill) to offer reason for boosting not available
green text means boosting is available and applied to members

the numbers after names are the skill levels in specific fleet skills used to calculate boosts and are listed as follows:
    commander (FC/WC/SC) shorthand is "a/b/c" where:
    a - Fleet Command
    b - Wing Command
    c - Leadership
    booster shorthand is "a/b/c/d/e" where:
    a - Armored Warfare
    b - Information Warfare
    c - Siege Warfare
    d - Skirmish Warfare
    e - Mining Foreman

at the end of squad list, there is a line showing how many members are in that squad, and the effective boost data for them.
where boosting is not available, the window will show "0/0/0/0/0/0" as effective and possible boosts in parenthesis
    effective shorthand is "a/b/c/d/e/f" where:
    a - Leadership
    b - Armored Warfare
    c - Information Warfare
    d - Siege Warfare
    e - Skirmish Warfare
    f - Mining Foreman