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Reward Sharing

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 5:59 pm
by Allan
this will allow for sharing rewards between fleet members.
these rewards are any or all of the following:
isk from bounties
isk, lp, bonuses from missions (if elected to share with fleet)
agent/corp/faction standings from rats and missions (which can be positive or negative )

currently, rewards are mostly coded for bounty sharing.
i say 'mostly' because its still incomplete.
there are no checks other than members being in same fleet.
this is how it was during the Apoc/Inc/Crucible era for all sharing

the requirements and calculations will (eventually) be as follows:
    isk sharing for bounties:
  1. to share in bounties, a pilot must have engaged the target and be in same bubble as target upon target destruction.
    note: 'engaged' means any of the following: tackle, ewar, damage. this also includes engaging with drones
  2. if a pilot warps off-grid after engaging target, they are not eligible for sharing in that bounty.
    caveat: if a pilot engages a target, then warps/burns away from combat (but remains on-grid), said pilot is still eligible for reward sharing
  3. this is calculated for each bounty separately.
  4.   Code:
    share = total / # members
    standing sharing from rats
  1. based on receiving pilots' current standings (you may get more/less than other pilots)
    isk/lp/bonus sharing for missions:
  1.   Code:
    share = total / # members
  2. this makes it possible to have small isk amounts for low-level missions
    standings for missions:
  1. all pilots in fleet will share equally based on pilot turning in mission
  2. does not apply to faction standings for storyline or important missions
  3. storyline or important missions can only share corp and agent standings
  4. as with live, the only requirement is to be in same fleet