RAM in NPC Stations

ive never agreed with the original standings modifications to cost in npc stations.
because of this, i have it set up as follows...
all production jobs will have one of two possible owners: the character (for personal jobs) or the character's Corp (for corp jobs)
characters cannot run ram jobs for npc corps
the cost for the job is based on the install cost and the per-hour cost.
to get a better understanding, think of it like this for a typical manufacturing job.
the assembly line has to get set up and configured to assemble the end product.
station warehouse workers will move all necessary materials from their current storage area into the assy line storage.
the line foreman will assign station factory workers to the various assembly line tasks associated with your manufacturing job.
then end line workers handle inspection and packaging for the assembled item(s)
after the item is assembled and packaged, station warehouse workers will move the item(s) to your storage.
the larger the item, the more time it takes to accomplish this.
after the line is configured and all items are set up, the process will begin.
production will still require workers both on the line and in warehouse operations
sure, there are automated tasks, but even those require workers to monitor, as well as maintenance while (and after) running.
so, to the costs...it helps me when dealing with costs to think of isk to be equivalent of usd.
this is, after all, a spaceship game, and shits not only big, but quite expensive, too.
most of the install costs are about the same (1000 isk), and covers the setup and retooling of the line you've chosen to do the job
these costs are modified by standings (wip) as follows
PC Corp jobs:
if the job is for a corporation, the standings are based on the corp rep and slightly modified by character rep
derived positive standings will take higher of (npc faction to pc corp)/2 or (npc corp to pc corp)
station owner to installing character will modify final value by 25%
the reasoning for this in my head is simple...the station corp is more inclined to help a corporation they personally like.
ofc, if they dont know you, rep with their faction will count towards good standings, also.
now, if you have negative standings with the station corp, that will override any positive faction standings you may have.
after all, the station belongs to and is run by the npc corp that owns it, not their faction.
the (faction /2) in my test is because the station owner has more say in their station than their faction
Personal Character jobs:
the character installing a personal job can be in either pc corp or npc corp. this makes no difference in standing modifier to cost
only the character standings with the station owner is counted, as the station owner is more concerned with the installing character than their corp.
i am still working on polishing this and it is subject to change after further testing
idea...."rush" jobs to complete faster (worker overtime) for a fee (premium time - as much as double regular cost)
because of this, i have it set up as follows...
all production jobs will have one of two possible owners: the character (for personal jobs) or the character's Corp (for corp jobs)
characters cannot run ram jobs for npc corps
the cost for the job is based on the install cost and the per-hour cost.
to get a better understanding, think of it like this for a typical manufacturing job.
the assembly line has to get set up and configured to assemble the end product.
station warehouse workers will move all necessary materials from their current storage area into the assy line storage.
the line foreman will assign station factory workers to the various assembly line tasks associated with your manufacturing job.
then end line workers handle inspection and packaging for the assembled item(s)
after the item is assembled and packaged, station warehouse workers will move the item(s) to your storage.
the larger the item, the more time it takes to accomplish this.
after the line is configured and all items are set up, the process will begin.
production will still require workers both on the line and in warehouse operations
sure, there are automated tasks, but even those require workers to monitor, as well as maintenance while (and after) running.
so, to the costs...it helps me when dealing with costs to think of isk to be equivalent of usd.
this is, after all, a spaceship game, and shits not only big, but quite expensive, too.
most of the install costs are about the same (1000 isk), and covers the setup and retooling of the line you've chosen to do the job
these costs are modified by standings (wip) as follows
PC Corp jobs:
if the job is for a corporation, the standings are based on the corp rep and slightly modified by character rep
derived positive standings will take higher of (npc faction to pc corp)/2 or (npc corp to pc corp)
station owner to installing character will modify final value by 25%
the reasoning for this in my head is simple...the station corp is more inclined to help a corporation they personally like.
ofc, if they dont know you, rep with their faction will count towards good standings, also.
now, if you have negative standings with the station corp, that will override any positive faction standings you may have.
after all, the station belongs to and is run by the npc corp that owns it, not their faction.
the (faction /2) in my test is because the station owner has more say in their station than their faction
Personal Character jobs:
the character installing a personal job can be in either pc corp or npc corp. this makes no difference in standing modifier to cost
only the character standings with the station owner is counted, as the station owner is more concerned with the installing character than their corp.
i am still working on polishing this and it is subject to change after further testing
idea...."rush" jobs to complete faster (worker overtime) for a fee (premium time - as much as double regular cost)