Post Sun May 03, 2015 11:00 pm

Server Profiling

i have implemented a very simple profile system for server, just to watch execution times for various parts of the code, and to work on optimizing where i can.
currently, this is the output, and run times for a few systems i have implemented the profile code for.
this is from a single client.

16:57:22 S Alasiya's EvEMu: Server Profile:
16:57:22 W Server UpTime: 4 H, 45 M, 42 S.
16:57:22 S Server Profile: Main() called 1688075 times. Avg call time 0.143667 milliseconds.
16:57:22 S Server Profile: Destiny called 542217 times. Avg call time 0.000430 milliseconds.
16:57:22 S Server Profile: Client called 1094321 times. Avg call time 0.004508 milliseconds.
16:57:22 S Server Profile: Bubbles called 47381 times. Avg call time 0.001085 milliseconds.
16:57:22 S Server Profile: Ship called 1088454 times. Avg call time 0.001774 milliseconds.

not real sure if anyone cares, but im putting it out there anyway.
