15/02/2025 Welcome to Alasiya EvE, based on code by the EvEmu Team. We are running an Experimental server for Crucible, named Alasiya-EvE, using my EvEmu source. This server is autoaccount, usually up 24/7, and is testing for stability, playability, and 'feel' of the game. I am no longer running Alasiya Test, the staging branch from official EvEmu source. I cannot compile the source. Then, there is Alasiya-Dev, which is my development server. My Dev server is running on a different machine, and only online when I'm coding/testing/bugfixing. The running version is ususlly a few commits ahead of my live branch. Updated information about both servers can be found in the info screen after login. Those that wish Forum Registerations, click here. Thanks for stopping by. -Zhyrohaad/Allan Latest update: 15 Feburary 2025 Content Management Powered by CuteNews