Warping Glitch

Any Player that finds something ingame that doesn't do what it should can post information about the problem here.
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Post Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:15 am

Warping Glitch

Upon right-clicking and selecting "Warp within 0 km" the ship does not smoothly animate turning, aligning and beginning warp.

Rather, it jerks immediately in the direction of warp and begins warping without any animation or transition of any kind.

Upon reaching the destination, it jerks to the side, rotates, then zooms past, through the target, without clipping or colliding, and drifts out beyond the other side.

Furthermore, jumping at a stargate does not animate the ripple animation of being captured by the jumpgate, and move the camera centering on the jumpgate, rather the animation of the jumpgate firing is played behind the camera. You have to manually rotate the camera from the aimlessly drifting ship to even see it.

It wasn't doing this before Monday, November the 17th of 2014. A recent update introduced this glitch.

Server Development

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Post Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:59 am

Re: Warping Glitch

yes, i am aware of both problems, and it is due to my recent work on destiny.
before, the server wasnt trackign player movements, so the rendering was ALL client-side, with the clients version of what was going on.
now, the server is tracking all warp, goto, and align movement, albeit slow, and i havent got the packet sending right as of yet.
what you're seeing is the server either sending the wrong packets, packets out of order, or missing packets for align, warp and stargate camera thingy.
the end-of-warp i know what the problem is, but havent got a fix for it yet.

on this subject, there is another glitch in warping....
when you warp to places LESS THAN YOUR WARP SPEED (moreso in destinations <1M km), there is a serious discrepency with distance tracking.
this one will send you to limbo, with what looks like a star where your ship should be.
the actual problem is the server dont know how to tel the client where you are.
you are tracked correctly on the server-side, but the packet thing is really off.
the fix for this one is to .tr <system> or .tr <station> if you happen to know the numbers.
ammold station is 60014749 and ammold system is 30002547
since most players are there right now, i put those in for reference.

thanks for the bug report.
that's the kind of info i need to track and fix things on here.

Forum Newbie

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Post Wed Nov 19, 2014 3:01 am

Re: Warping Glitch

I'm pleased to see my efforts to contribute are appreciated.

Thank you for the prompt response. It's nice to see a competent server admin. Sometimes it can seem like competent admins are rare.

Anyway, if I have any additional useful information on this particular glitch/bug/missing feature, I'll post as a reply to this topic.

Thank you for your time and patience, and thank you for the wonderful test server. Now that there are things to shoot, I should have more fun. There seems to be a huuuuuuge number of rats just outside the station in Ammold. Should be fun to mess with.

Also: I'm becoming more familiar with the GM/WM controls, and have learned that it's much easier to buy ships and equipment, right-click, select "view info" and scroll down to "give skills" rather than meticulously injecting each skill. What a wonderful cheat. x3

Because of this, I MAY have a ridiculously overpowered warship to fight the ratswarm with.

Server Development

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Post Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:47 am

Re: Warping Glitch

want rediculously op??

.create 9860



Server Development

Posts: 580

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm

Post Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:49 am

Re: Warping Glitch

short warps seem to be fixed now.
i've tested at various ranges from 157k to 450k and havent had any problems

if anyone else notices problems with warping, please post about it. thanks


Server Development

Posts: 580

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm

Post Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:35 am

Re: Warping Glitch

Warping has been fixed with the destiny update over the weekend.
please make a new thread with any problems found with warping.


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