Alasiya EvE Updates and Current Code Status

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Server Development

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Post Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:06 am

Re: Alasiya EvE Updates and Current Code Status

21 Sept 2015
- market orders where new item was not created (and moved money check, too)
- npc ai where _CheckDistance tried to call a pure virtual
- check for npcs spawnmanager (and related spawn entry) before deleting (which crashed upon server restart, as m_spawns are in-mem objects)
- added method to remove stale belt rats on server startup, effectively nulling above fix
- rewrote sematics for InBubble check, in hopes to correct freeze
- add check for call.byname datatype in search based on crash traces.

Server Development

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Post Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:06 am

Re: Alasiya EvE Updates and Current Code Status

23 Oct 2015
- Unbound the processing triggers from the Active Processing Component
class, so now it won't insta-stop and will continue to work.
- Fixed the resulted issue with ore processing (cycle counts from the
very first cycle, resulting in double ore amount in the end) - now it
only adds the ore for the first (empty) cycle + the time it worked after
the last cycle end.
- Fixed the Deactivate() function- Fixed the unstoppable miners cycle bug. One part of the solution is
still a bit hacky, but seem to work just fine.
- Fixed the 0-value ore processing issue.
- Commented _ShowCycle() duplicate call from Activate() function

- Delete the _ShowCycle() duplicate
- Re-work the processing calls (move them from DoCycle() to StopCycle()
and regulate via Deactivate()

Server Development

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Post Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:07 am

Re: Alasiya EvE Updates and Current Code Status

26 Oct 2015
- Extended the ChargeGroup check loop to facilitate multi-group ammo (T2
and "exotic" ammunition is now loadable)
- Re-worked the Ship::ValidateItemSpecifics function and fixed the
multi-attribute check. This fixes the Strip Miners/Modulated Strip
Miners fitting on barges/exhumers, and probably some other special
- Copied the processing logic from oreProcessing to iceProcessing.

Server Development

Posts: 571

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm

Post Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:08 am

Re: Alasiya EvE Updates and Current Code Status

9 Nov 2015
DaVinci ...
- Fixed the virtual cargo fill bug by forcing the cargo space update on
each Move() action. Note that this solution is not yet finished, as i
want to make the cargo checks to be performed ONLY when the
target/source is the ship.
- Added some trace messages to all item move related functions.
- Moved the _UpdateCargoHoldsUsedVolume function from Protected to
Public, so it can be called from Client class.
- Fixed the GetStoredVolume function in Inventory module (it was
returning 0, now it returns a valid float)
- Added the ore processing logging.
- Fixed the false activation issue, which typically happened when user
attempts to activate the mining modules after the previous deactivation
(long things short - m_Stop_signal reset that lets the cycle to be
Implemented the Expanded Cargohold module group:
- [Cargo boost] Correctly increases and handles the cargo capacity
- [Speed and hull penalties] Penalties are partially implemented -
attributes do get changed, but those changes are not reflected in the
client (current TODO)

- Implement proper speed and hull amount update.
- Implement the state filter (if the module is being fitted on station -
ignore the destiny update call, if it's fitted in space - do it).
- Extend the code for cargo space checks so that it will only be called
when certain flags are involved (cargo, containers and so on).

Server Development

Posts: 571

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm

Post Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:09 am

Re: Alasiya EvE Updates and Current Code Status

12 Nov 2015
- Implemented the Shield Transporter module group:
Module activates, shows the FX, modifies the target attribute.
Known issues - If module's having not enough capacitor, activation will
still drain the remaining cap but no cycle will start.
- Added shield transporter and gas harvester effects to the list in
module manager class.
- Fixed the overlapping stats processing (if module is fitted and server
was reloaded - ship had it's attributes modified again. and again, with
every server restart).
Now it will check if the module is located in the ship container. If yes
- processing will be aborted. If no - it'll happen.
- Moved the m_locationID variable from protected to public, so we can
access it from module manager.
- Fixed the rest of the scenarios to make sure ship attributes are
getting updated correctly.
- Moved the attribute processing section into a separate function.
- Coded the _GetCapNeed function with the 2 skill modifiers. For now
they do not have any effect, as this is only a preparation for
ActiveModuleProcessingComponent fast-fix, that will allow using this
function instead of pulling the default cap need data for modules.
- FInish the RR code (skill bonuses, ship bonuses, known issues)

Server Development

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Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm

Post Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:10 am

Re: Alasiya EvE Updates and Current Code Status

16 Nov 2015
- Implemented the Remote Armor and Hull repairer modules, including the
proper cap need calculations in _GetCapNeed() functions.
- Implemented the Energy Transfer module group - Attribute change and FX
works correctly (except for no-3-cycle-FX issue)
- Removed the commented code parts from all RR modules (code cleanup)

Server Development

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Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm

Post Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:11 am

Re: Alasiya EvE Updates and Current Code Status

18 Nov 2015
- Energy turrets fix is hacky, as it disables the cycle right away,
allowing the immidiate re-activation. However, new cycle will still be
processed as per normal, draining the cap, so it is a questionable
- Hybrid turrets fix works as per normal.
- Fixed the ability to log-in on the same account from multiple clients.
Now, it will disconnect the online client and re-set the online status.
Note that disconnecting is a necessary measure - if user logs out from
the login screen, his online status will be kept 1 until the server gets
restarted, which leads to unwanted deadlock.
I was not attaching any client message as online client gets closed as
soon as it catches the signal from the checker, so that pop-up will not
be seen anyways.
- Adjusted the pop-up texts in more user-friendly manner.
- Fixed the segfault on module drag'n'dropping. It emerged in
"transparent" module glitch, which is minor and won't affect neither
gameplay nor stability, so we''ll leave it for later.
TODO: Test the frequency of FX animation appearence and modify the
repeat times if needed.

Server Development

Posts: 571

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm

Post Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:12 am

Re: Alasiya EvE Updates and Current Code Status

20 Nov 2015
- Moved the online check inside the else loop of the password check.
It is ugly, but i wanted to restrain from making the new constructs.
Still, this is a temporary hack, so it'll do for now.
- Commented the T3 ships assembly code and put the deadlock and error
message. This will keep users from crashing the server with those ships.

Server Development

Posts: 571

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm

Post Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:14 am

Re: Alasiya EvE Updates and Current Code Status

21 Nov 2015
misc explicit conversion updates and type corrections
destiny update for turn and changing ship speeds.
destiny now follows a turning ship correctly.
changing speeds in the entire range is followed correctly.
minor destiny code re-arranging and reshaping.
update tractor beam for new destiny movement code
implement simple collision detection
add collision data container to profiler

Server Development

Posts: 571

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm

Post Tue Dec 08, 2015 7:15 am

Re: Alasiya EvE Updates and Current Code Status

25 Nov 2015
update to include Comet0's POS calls (non-working, non-coded)
update to replace auto_ptr with shared_ptr
update semantics for pointer decelarations and some spacing
commented out character Delete() call, as it needs more work, and i have screwed myself by accidentally calling it on a loaded character.
few minor updates, including:
- ingame server halt command (shutdown)
- changing ship bug that deletes character (fix)
- fix gm goto command
- save current shipID to character immediatly
- query and return set of loaded, online ship weapons
- semantics update to ShipService.cpp

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