Server Development
Posts: 605
Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm
Character Attributes and Implants
attributes are only used for training skills using a point system. each level of skill has an associated point progression assigned to it. to increase your level in a skill, you have to train it by increasing your skill points.
skillpoints per minute (spm) is calculated as
this will vary spm between 15 (alpha clone, no implants) and 45 (omega clone, all +5s).
this means higher skills (rank 10+) can and will take months or longer to train. the catch here is you have to pay to keep your training active. the longer training takes, the more you pay.
(side note...there are over 400 skills, with around 550 million skill points needed to train all to level V...this will take decades. - 23 years and about 4 months)
see a business model here?
i'm not after your money...this server is free.
i dont see a reason for skills to take months, so we increase that by increasing base attributes and the cap.
on Alasiya-EvE, base skills do use race, ancestry, and bloodline for bonuses.
the minimum is 35 and max is 65. with primary and secondary attributes at 65, this allows for an average spm of 97.5 before implants.
implants are also adjusted, using a x4 multiplier to base bonus. this allows for +4 to +28 attribute bonuses.
going with my max attrib of 65, and a +28 implant, this allows for 139.5 spm. with this, rank 1 skills will take mere minutes, and the full level V skill list will take 7 years and 6 months.
because i have to think of rank 1 skills, the current attribute settings cannot easily be raised much more. this is a good compromise between trainable rank 1 skills and spm for higher-rank skills.
now, as i dont see anyone training ALL skills, the most useful skills for capital pilot will take a few months, versus couple years on official.
ofc, on the test server, skills can be set with a command, so "training" per se is a moot point.
either way, the idea is writing server systems for a "complete and (mostly) accurate gaming experience".
with that in mind, i've implemented implants.
like other things, they check skills before use.
as i said above, attributes are changed, so the neural remapper is no longer accurate for Alasiya-EvE.
i have fixed this also.
implants can be added and removed while in space, also, and attributes will be adjusted immediately.
that's all i have for now on this.
see ya in space.