Server Development
Posts: 605
Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm
EvEmu IRC and Client Information
it was recently suggested that i have a post about how to connect to official EvEmu IRC. i will post other information here regarding official EvEmu as i get it.
Server: or
Port: 6667
Main Channel: evemu
Support Channel: evemu-support
main channel is your best bet for gaining assistance.
Patience is a virtue in our IRC, as this is a hobby, and other things will take precedence.
If you have a question, say hello and ask, but please wait for a response. this may take time for someone to notice it and reply. we dont hover in the channel waiting for someone to talk.
usually, there is no one in support channel, but i list it here as a reference.
the client files are large, and as such, i cant host them on my network.
the current host can be found here -->
from there, you will need the 3 files with "360229" in their name (the crucible build number)
the crucible patch can be found here -->
install the game, then unzip patcher into your game directory and run it.
to set your client up to connect to a private server (mine or any other one)
- Code:
open the file named "common.ini" in the editor of your choice ( i use EditPlus)
change the encryption line to read "cryptoPack=Placebo"
save and close the file
open the file named "start.ini" in the editor of your choice
change the server line to the server of your choice.
to connect to my server, as an example, use the following line
save and close the file.
launch the game using bin/ExeFile.exe and NOT eve.exe