Target Manager Tic Update

Details concerning all combat-related activities.
Will (eventually) include standing changes for various actions, the (proposed) criminal tracking system, CONCORD presence and response, and more.

Server Development

Posts: 605

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm

Post Sun Jun 21, 2020 4:34 am

Target Manager Tic Update

currently, the target manager has been re-coded to run on 250ms tics.
this will allow for both faster processing of target calls, as well as having the fractional lock times actually MEAN something.
using the standard 1Hz server tic, there was very little difference between a 2.1s lock time and a 2.98s lock time.
the would both hit on same process tic, and there is no 'order' on which is first in the queue.

the current system makes the above examples have a large difference, as they are 3 target tics apart.

this new tic counter will apply to all target calls, and should be a noticeable difference from live.

the target tic process is quite fast, and targeting is noticeably different.
this is working very well, and i plan on keeping it this way.

please note: this will affect point-n-tackle as well as blockade running for what i think will be a more fun and realistic experience for both PvP and PvE.
i have played with it with advanced NPCs and it is a noticble (and more realistic) difference from live

Server Development

Posts: 605

Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:47 pm

Post Fri Feb 14, 2025 9:44 pm

Re: Target Manager Tic Update

just a quick update...
since implementing this system, process times are well within expectations and i am very happy with the current status.
i dont foresee any changes to this anytime soon.

just for those that care, the actual times for target processing calls from my latest run (testing drone code) is this:
TargetProc      60k times.      Hi: 51.2500us      Lo: 0.2500us      Avg: 1.759us

this was a 1h46m run using multiple npc and asteroid targets, release/reacquire targets, plus drone targeting (everything uses same system)

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