bugs today 31/08/15

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Post Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:43 pm

bugs today 31/08/15

ship not showing in hanger http://puu.sh/jUTtj/d90d56450d.jpg
jump clones not working http://puu.sh/jUTPu/506ddcd57e.jpg
MAJOR BUG. give skill not working http://puu.sh/jUTTN/41bcae48d3.jpg (may not be a bug may of been switched off)
info not working http://puu.sh/jUUyj/647fdc0cf8.jpg
show us in same station http://puu.sh/jV4aJ/4a0aa72dfa.jpg
skill training wont apply shows l4 on list l2 and l3 disipered http://puu.sh/jV4Hd/de7b5f25df.jpg
MAJOR BUG. shit stuck in warp http://puu.sh/jV4YW/a2d7cd766b.jpg
no astroids in belts.
stranded in space will check for more when i can move again...

Server Development

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Post Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:31 pm

Re: bugs today 31/08/15

Thanks for report, mate.

1 - yep, that happens when you leave tutorials turned on. Go to options -> General options and uncheck "Show Tutorials" checkbox. Then re-log.
2 - afaik, they never worked. Tayron had some workarounds with it a while back, but it was never done.
3 - Yeah, that one needs confirmation. Haven't encountered it yet. I'll take a look and see if i can reproduce it.
4 - Yep, that's a known issue. Server gives a weird client traceback now. Gotta be scheduled, but not sure if it's somewhere near high-priority.
5 - Yep, another known issue - guests list will currently show guests from every single station in the galaxy. Haven't looked at it yet, but my guess - code doesn't filter the location now. Another low-to-medium priority issue.
6 - Gonna take a look on this one too, haven't encountered it yet.
7 - Now that's a high-priority shit now. afaik, allan's working on it atm.
8 - Because they're not seeded with roids :) just use a .spawnbelt to spawn one.

Misc Development

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Post Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:04 pm

Re: bugs today 31/08/15

I've actually been keeping a vim buffer with the crucible SQL dump open so I can search for places I want to .tr to.

Not the most intuitive way of getting around, but it mostly works.

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Post Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:27 am

Re: bugs today 31/08/15

some of these i dindt know about, mainly because i havent tested like that. this is great! the whole point of playtesters. :D

ok, my 2 cents and other info....
(disclaimer....yes, davinci's answers are correct, so there is no real reason for me to repeat what he said, but since this is my forums, im gonna say it again. :p)
1) yep, what dv said. seen the errors in server logs on this one.
2) jumpclones are unimplemented, no code what-so-ever.
3) i havent seen that one before. i have done extensive work on skill system (nothing lately), so it's odd. maybe something isnt being sent to client correctly. i know we DO have some desyncs with giving skills, and this may be part of it. is this right after you did the "Give" button? did gunnery show up correctly after relog? (it works on my chars, is why im asking)
4) yes, this is a bug with the corporation clusterfuck. i've looked at the corp shit a bit, but havent had time/inclination to dive into that cesspool of code yet. it is on list, but not very high. trying to get 'new' coders to look into it...with no luck yet.
5) yeah. that. all docked players show in same station guest list. iv'e got no clue what the fuck that's about. i've tracked, traced, paused code execution and bt'd, and all without any luck. the code is right (yes, it filters correctly), the calls are right, so it's gotta be something with the return. i havent looked into the return at all yet. it's on the list, but not very high.
6) back on skills....yeah, i've seen that one. i had to hack a bit to get pause/resume working, so it may be something crossed in there that is causing that. not very high on list atm.
7) yes, this is major. it recently started, and i dont know why. i have been working on systems sharing code updates (in this case, destiny and inventory item both having positioning updates identical), and this seems to have brought out a few destiny bugs i wasnt aware of. right now, there are a few destiny checks that will silently fail. it seems time to write error code for those, and see wtf is going on. this is high priority.
8) current asteroid belt manager is shit, and i have not started the rewrite yet. for now, if there are no roids in a belt, use .spawnbelt and it will create them, based on system trusec.
9) stranded? please check into this one and give me more details. mainly when it happens and how to reproduce it.

fwiw....here are current todo list and an old and slightly outdated priority list
todo viewtopic.php?f=22&t=110
priorities viewtopic.php?f=1&t=79

Misc Development

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Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:27 pm

Post Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:23 am

Re: bugs today 31/08/15

Played a bit earlier.

- Information window on blueprints doesn't show all the way.
- Had all my items disapper. Items and Ships windows don't populate
1) @Poitot - Top station
2) Dragged a ship out of my SMB, into my ships windows. Unable to take it back. No option to get in the ship
3) Logged back in and the ship was gone.
4) Left the station. Guessing an item corrupted my inventory there?
- Crashed the server with what I think was a QA Shield Extender (20197) I was trying to fit it to a Heretic

Some additional comments.

- Manufacturing looks pretty solid. None of my jobs finished yet. Pretty happy that it all just worked

Server Development

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Post Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:45 am

Re: bugs today 31/08/15

BP's info window is busted, that's right. Seen a server giving a weird client traceback on that one. I believe this one is on the fix list too, but not too high in priority.

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Post Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:15 am

Re: bugs today 31/08/15

aware of bp info bug. we're missing the data for page2 in bp's. i have notes on it somewhere, but havent had time to mess with it.
items disappear? there is a bug where hangar windows dont populate (actually, they do, but when sent to client, somethig is wrong, and client throws an error)....cant reproduce on demand.
i did get debug info for something about adding an item. havent looked into it yet.

manuf has worked very well for me every time i've tested it. (since ~june 2014)
i dont like the reproc values, but not had time to change them. (too low, imo)
i have modified the times a lil bit, but havnet really paid much attn to them.

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Post Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:10 am

Re: bugs today 31/08/15

are you refering to this bug ?

where the info screen only partially loads and then stops ?
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Server Development

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Post Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:54 am

Re: bugs today 31/08/15

Well, at least screen loads up a correct item icon, so we can see if it's original or copy.
It doesn't load cuz it's missing the info package for the second page (material/skill requirements)

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Post Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:12 am

Re: bugs today 31/08/15

I dont know if this helps, below is the error i got when i tried to pull up a BPO info, obviously this info is missing from the DB, do we know the tables format ? or can we just errr..mmm make it up ?

18:32:31 L Server: SendClientStackTraceAlert call made to alert
: EXCEPTION #12 logged at 09/03/2015 18:32:31 Unhandled exception in <TaskletEx
t object at 32926a28, abps=1001, ctxt="<NO CONTEXT>^<bound method InfoWindow.Loa
dData of form.infowindow object at (snip)caa350, name=('infowindow', 13085735551
0129607L), destroyed=False>>">
Caught at:
/common/lib/bluepy.py(98) CallWrapper
Thrown at:
/common/lib/bluepy.py(86) CallWrapper
/client/script/ui/services/infosvc.py(3231) LoadData
/client/script/ui/services/infosvc.py(3658) _LoadInfoWindow
/client/script/ui/services/infosvc.py(1214) GetWndData
moonOrPlanet = 0
AddData = <function AddData at 0x32206EB0>
self = <svc.Info instance at 0x0DDC9080>
typeOb = <Instance of class sys.InvType>
typeID: 688
groupID: 107
typeName: Raven Blueprint
batchTime = 360000L
attrs = ['researchMaterialTime', 'researchCopyTime', 'researchProductivi
tyTime', 'researchTechTime']
parentID = None
noShowGroups = (8, 7, 4, 5, 3, 226)
categoryID = 9
isCopy = None
typeInfo = <Instance of class sys.InvType>
typeID: 638
groupID: 27
typeName: Raven
groupID = 107
title = None
propertyName = 'researchTechTime'
bomByActivity = None
percent = 0.1
propertyDict = {'materialLevel': u'Material Level', 'maxProductionLimit'
: u'Max Runs Per Blueprint Copy', 'productivityLevel': u'Productivity Level'}
pl = 0
itemID = None
activities = {1: 33, 3: 36, 4: 35, 5: 34, 6: 37, 7: 39, 8: 38}
wnd = form.infowindow object at 0x31caa350, name=('infowindow', 13085735
5510129607L), destroyed=False>
typeID = 688
characterMaterialMultiplier = 1.25
blueprintType = <Instance of class sys.Row>
blueprintTypeID: 688
parentBlueprintTypeID: None
productTypeID: 638
each = 'researchTechTime'
blueprintMaterialMultiplier = 0.1
timeMultiplier = 1.0
godmaChar = <DBRow object [140000490L, 1376, 1, 60004450L, 0, -1, 1, 1,
'', 1, 1]>
noShowCatergories = (11, 3)
noShowTypes = ()
showAttrs = True
invtype = <Instance of class sys.InvType>
typeID: 688
groupID: 107
typeName: Raven Blueprint
bpi = {'manufacturingTime': 18000,
'materialLevel': 0,
'maxProductionLimit': 10,
'productTypeID': 638,
propertyValue = 270000
caption = u'Researching'
activity = 1
typeDescription = u'Produces: Raven [1]'
bpAttr = ['researchMaterialTime', 'researchCopyTime', 'researchProductiv
ityTime', 'researchTechTime']
invgroup = <Instance of class sys.InvGroup>
groupID: 107
categoryID: 9
groupName: Battleship Blueprint
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
Thread Locals: session was <Session: (sid:7267622204080150441, clientID:0, muta
ting:0, locationid:30000142, corprole:0x0, userid:1, languageID:EN, role:0x45700
00000000000L, charid:140000490, address:, userType:1, sessionType
:5, regionid:10000002, constellationid:20000020, corpid:1000045, shipid:14000103
0, solarsystemid:30000142, solarsystemid2:30000142, hqID:60004450, rolesAtAll:0x
0, rolesAtHQ:0x0, rolesAtBase:0x0, rolesAtOther:0x0)>


followed by

18:33:44 D ServiceOfIterest: marketProxy
18:33:44 L Server: GetRegionBest call made to marketProxy
18:33:53 D ServiceOfIterest: factory
18:33:53 L Server: GetMaterialsForTypeWithActivity call made to factory
18:33:53 [PacketError] Decode Call_TwoIntegerArgs failed: tuple0 is the wrong si
ze: expected 2, but got 1

18:34:16 D ServiceOfIterest: marketProxy
18:34:16 L Server: GetRegionBest call made to marketProxy
18:34:18 D ServiceOfIterest: factory
18:34:18 L Server: GetMaterialsForTypeWithActivity call made to factory
18:34:18 [PacketError] Decode Call_TwoIntegerArgs failed: tuple0 is the wrong si
ze: expected 2, but got 1

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